Latest Episodes

Eighty Four Ferrets and Counting- Laura, ferret breeder and enthusiast
I speak with Laura from Manchester about her 84, yes that's right, 84 ferrets, including sables, angoras and micro ferrets. She has a ferretry...

Grieving Your Pets
I speak with Kevin Ringstaff from about how to deal with the grief of losing a pet. So many of my friends have...

Finding a Ferret
I speak with Naomi, one of my online friends, about her finding her ferret, and the health problems of her second ferret. A very...

My Name is Musky An Interview With The Author
The wonderful Matty Giuliano, author of the 'My Name is Musky' book, and MUSKY HERSELF talk with me about the book "My Name is...

Have you heard of Swimmers? How about Rickets? A sadly common ferret kithood ailment that can lead to permanent deformity and death, and is...

New Year's Resolutions
Do you have New Year's Resolutions related to your pet of choice? ... would you like some? I've listed a bunch of what could...