Eighty Four Ferrets and Counting- Laura, ferret breeder and enthusiast

Episode 15 February 07, 2023 01:03:18
Eighty Four Ferrets and Counting- Laura, ferret breeder and enthusiast
Ferret Paradigm
Eighty Four Ferrets and Counting- Laura, ferret breeder and enthusiast

Feb 07 2023 | 01:03:18


Show Notes

I speak with Laura from Manchester about her 84, yes that's right, 84 ferrets, including sables, angoras and micro ferrets. She has a ferretry and breeds ferrets, under the name The Guild of Calamitous Intent Ferretry

We talk about how she got into it and why, what ferrets 'do' for her, breeders and how to be a good breeder, different kinds of ferrets, and what it's like to have so many!

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Episode Transcript

The loving and affectionate personality and not just that, but they're bouncing around dooking and the play and everything that you can't fail to have your mood elevated by their antics or just by the fact that they want kisses and hugs. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Stolen Our Hearts, the podcast about ferrets and other exotic pets. Today I'm talking about ferrets with my friend Laura, who has an amazing number of ferrets, so I hope you'll enjoy this story. Hi, Laura. So I found you when I saw a post that said you had 74 ferrets and I just had to say hello. Would you like to introduce yourself? Yeah, I'm Laura, I live in Manchester and we've currently got 85 ferrets now. Yeah, upgraded. What do you do with ferrets? We breed and show, but we also take in the odd rescue, which is why we've increased of late. So ten more rescues were there? Yeah, ones that have been found and haven't been claimed and ones that have been unwanted babies that people have bred and we've ended up taking on. Do you have a name? Your ferretry? Yeah, we're actually known as the Guild of Calamitous Intent. My husband chose that name because he thought with ferrets being as cheeky and as calamitous as they are, that it's opposite definitely fits. So why ferrets for you? I think ever since childhood, I mean, I grew up in the country. Well, a lot of young lads around me had buried it, really, because they went rabbiting, and I just was fascinated by them for other reasons than ferreting. I thought they were amazing creatures with their ability to bend and just become completely floppy. But I've always had a love for predators at the same time and always admired them and always loved stoats and weasels. And so far it's just for me, that bigger version of stoats and weasels living at home. My mum didn't like them and I had to wait until I moved out to get my first ferrets. And that was when I moved in with my now husband, when I moved in with his parents and him, and one of the first things was got a couple of ferrets. Oh, my gosh, that's fantastic. Now, what was I going to say? I was going to say, did you like the Wind in the Willows, the [...] weasels in that? Because I really wasn't really a fan of Wind in the Willows. I mean, I did read it, but it was never something that really sort of I was more Richard Adams and I also like Joyce Stranger, like tackle the otter and things like that. And water ship down? Well, not particularly. They do in the very beginning bit, in just the terms of the difference between what predators would hunt rabbits in watership down, that was about as much as it went into with watership down. But with Joyce Stranger, obviously there was a lot of the things with otters and stuff like that, because I grew up in the country and because we have stoats and weasels and stuff. You used to see them quite regularly on the field. They were always fascinating to me. I'm so jealous with passion just how cute they were for me. So cute. Yeah, unbelievably cute. I mean, I've actually got someone I know who's got a pet weasel. She was rescued as a very tiny baby before she even opened her eyes, but she acclimatized with him so much that she's effectively become house pet. Catherine, she is the most amazing thing, just to see these videos and everything. It's one of them, the videos, when you see her that they are, they make your heart wants to bust in your chest, just with how absolutely adorable she is. So it went from seeing weasels and things out in the fields to getting your first ferret. So what were your first ferrets like? What was that like for you to finally get the ferrets that you wanted? Well, my mother in law, she actually really likes ferrets as well. And they actually had a cat called Ferret. So because they had a cat called Ferret, we called one of our first ferrets cat. Lovely cat with a K. But we got two rescues. They were absolutely fabulous, but they bonded very closely with me and unfortunately, it meant that they would bite my husband. And that upset him a bit because he genuinely really loves ferrets and he always has, ever since he watched Beastmaster as a kid and the two ferrets that were in Beastmaster. And he was absolutely enthralled with them. So he was quite heartbroken, really, but they were always quite nippy towards him, always feeling loving and affectionate towards me. I mean, with the amount we've got now, we've got a lot that are absolute daddy's babies, real daddy's little princesses, and he is in his element. He absolutely adores them, which is a massive bonus, really. He genuinely adores them as much as I do. Yeah, I think that's what you want. That's what you want in a partner, to have shared pet interests. So you're saying that your ferrets have a really useful purpose for you? Yes, I mean, I suffer from PTSD and quite severe depression, bipolar that sort of stems from quite a traumatic childhood. And with having autism and ADHD, I find that the loving and affectionate personality, and not just that, but the bouncing around dooking and the play and everything, that you can't fail to have your mood elevated by their antics or just by the fact that they want kisses and hugs. I mean, we're having so many as well. We've got ferrets for all occasions. So we've got ferrets that are literally the moment that you say hello to them, they're the ones that continuously dook and they can't help themselves. They're like the happiest spirits you've ever met. And we've got others that are just downright cheeky, literally, for every different mood that you could possibly have. And sometimes it's just a case of watching them sleep or just having the room in complete silence. And we've got one particular on Angus, one of our micros, and he has the cutest snoring, and his snoring can have us all. We all sit here just listening to him snoring because it's almost Disney how adorable his snoring is. And it genuinely does bring tears to our eyes. We sit here just like it's just so adorable. Yeah, I can see that. I've only got the three. I'm like, oh, I need another one. It's super cuddly now because the cuddly one passed away. But yeah, I can definitely see how you can just sit there for hours and stare at them. I do that with just three of them just watching them sleep with the tongue sticking out. Oh my gosh. That's the best. When they're dreaming and the tongue just licking in and out. Yeah. Oh my gosh, what are you dreaming of? So good. And you were saying that you know all of these 84 ferrets personalities and names and everything, the real pets, because some people that are fair, as if you know them all. But I believe it. Yeah, we will, and truly do. They all have names and every single one of them has they're as unique as children. It's always like when people say, well, how do you tell them apart? Well, they look different. How do you tell all your friends apart? Exactly. They all look different. They all act different because they're not the same. Do you ever have to pick them up and double check, though? Because sometimes I have to do that with these ones visiting. They're very similar when the sisters I've got a couple of European polecats who are sisters, and it can be literally when you pick them up and you have to just look at the very slight differences between masks in just how little bit of difference on the nose where the mass color changes. I've got a couple of black jills who are, again, sisters, Lilith and Nadia. And again, with them, it's the fact that you have to pick them up and one's blind in one eye, you know what I mean? That is literally the only difference between them, too, because they are absolutely identical in everything apart from one's blind in one eye. So if you see them from one angle, you've got to wait until one turns around. Yes. I work with children, and so when we have a set of twins there, it's like, okay, that one is playing with this kid. That means that that is that child. The difference because of what they're doing. Or this one's got a freckle. Exactly, yes. Some of them are very slight, like a little white dot in the whisker bed or something. Very minute details. But you remember yes. How long have you had Ferrets now? Since you moved out? I don't want to age you. Sorry. I don't want to do no. I'm 55 in June and I've had ferrets since we're 17. Yeah, long time. And do you have other pets as well? Yes, we have parrots, parakeets, we've got chickens, ducks, chickens, turkeys and a couple of ducks, three dogs, four cats, a Welsh section C pony. She's only twelve two, so she's not much bigger than a Welsh fawner. We've got four rabbits, two guinea pigs, finches. It's mainly birds, parakeets and everything like that, but I have to remember that finch is out parakeets, so they don't go in that category. So I have to remember when it comes to starting and feeding them and everything, it's the birds, if you know what I mean. The poultry, the more a collective group because the poultry is my sons and my youngest sons, and he's got two pigeons as well, and then the smaller parakeets and the finches are my eldest sons, and then we've got an African gray parrot. He doesn't belong to us, we belong to him, where effectively is slaves. That's kind of how he treats us. Okay. He's older than the kids, he's 22 and he has got some amazing language skills, to say the least. He say he tells you off. Yeah, he does. He's very food orientated and he's very manipulative with it. If one of the lads is making something sweet and they'd be like, what you're doing? What you got? And I have some, and then if they don't get some as quick as he wants, then he'll actually say, I'll tell Laura. Really? What he's doing is he's threatening to grasp them up to me because they've not given him some of their sandwich or some of their toast or something like that, but it's always I'll tell Laura, oh yeah, he does. He'll be like, oh, yeah. Oh my gosh, starving today. That's amazing. They are one of the smartest ones, I think he puts together his own sentences. He's not one of those parrots that will repeat words. No, he's actually thinking about what he says. He's too stubborn to behave. If you try to get him to repeat words, he'll stare at you blankly, literally, as though I'm not some performing animal. He took chunks out my lip, he swung off the filter. He's not like handleable kind of thing, that he does what he wants, when he wants and how he wants and we just have to deal with it. I'm going to come back to all your different pets and things. So I was going to ask what got you into breeding Ferrari? So you had your first rescues and then how did that progress into having so many and sun to breed and having so different many breeds with barracks over the years. We'd had a few rescues that we'd taken in that had been pregnant when we took them in. But at the time when my children were younger. I didn't feel that I could fully dedicate my time to full on breeding and showing so it wasn't until my children started the rail levels and university and so therefore I have my free time back that I felt I could dedicate the kind of time that I believe that they needed because I wanted to make sure that I was spending adequate time with kids in socializing training. Handling as well as the time needed for me I felt that it was important to put the same amount of time in as that you would do if you were breeding a litter of puppies because to me they're very much like how much effort and time that you would dedicate to puppies and kittens yeah. I agree with that I didn't see it as being something that you can just have a litter of them and you let them do their own thing because if I was wanting to have these going into other people's homes I wanted them to be set mentally and physically for being able to move house and not have a traumatic experience of it and so that I could assess whether or not those people were suitable for the kind of ferret parenting that I would hope that they would get didn't want them to be the very much classic way that ferrets are sort of ill treated in that they're just in a hurt in the garden and not given that time and attention that they really need just in the same way as you won't get a dog and just lock it in the kitchen all day they need to have that interaction with you and the ability to be able to bond with you so I didn't want any of my kids to fall to the wrong side of that so I wanted to make sure that if a bread of litter hits and if anything happened and it meant that the right homes weren't available for them as with what's happened with lockdown that I would be in a position to keep that litter yeah. I've kept more than I should do okay. That's me bonding with more kits then I plan to and then I've had kits that have bonded with me and then I thought I can't you know what I mean? When they've just they decided they wanted to stay and then yeah, I couldn't that's my experience anyway. What kind of idea? I'm sticking with it. What gave you the idea to breed in the first place? Because most people don't, I assume. I did used to breeding shore dogs but my spine has really took some toll and so running around an arena with dogs was certainly not something I could keep up with anymore they actually stopped breeding dogs twelve years ago I have an interest in genetics and how color predictions and things like that and that one seemed to improve health wise and make sure I was breeding healthy. Mentally. Well adjusted. And wanting to keep my own line. Like keep my own family line. Kind of thing like that. So how difficult is it to breathe? For me, it's a lot of time in the planning in making sure that the pedigrees are the right balance so that you're in breeding coefficiency percentage, you wanting to make sure it's extremely low. For me, it's not just a case of like, breeding tips just to sell as pets and breeding for essentially, first and foremost for myself, for what I'm planning to keep. So I spend a lot of time looking at the pedigrees and looking at what color predictions they are because I know what I'm hoping to achieve from it for myself to keep. And then obviously you'll get a litter and the percentage of colors doesn't come out the way that you hoped it does and you still end up keeping some because personality wise, some of them when you over. And I have a particular love for sables, for the pole cat sable. I know a lot of people are very much drawn to silvers and lilacs, but for me, I love a sable. Absolutely love a pole cat, a proper pole cat sable. There's nothing more classically beautiful than the traditional pole cat sable. I really like all of them. Yeah, we don't have them here, so it's very sad, but just stare at them on the internet instead. Would you recommend that anyone starts to breathe? Who do you think should be the kind of person who breeds? What makes a good breeder? Someone who's conscientious about what lines they're breeding from knowing the background and the history of the ferrite that they're breeding, having the time and the money to dedicate to them and certainly not seeing them as being a way of making money. If you're doing it properly, you don't make any money. Always being negative. In fact, if you're doing it properly, it should terrify you to even think about ever trying to work it out, how much you spend on them. Even just the thought of that when I've just thought of the fact that we must spend about a few hundred pounds a month just on food. Yeah, and that's just food. That's not all the bedding, that's not vet bills, that's not all the flea treatments, the worming treatments and everything else that comes on top of that. Or when they push a ball out of the cage and the amount of times you've got to buy a new bowl. You always need a stock of extras and the amount of carriers, you need new cages and when you go into shores, you need cages that you're going to take to Shores with you and then you need more cages that you're going to take to shore with you. The costs involved, it's a hobby and a passion, not anything you can ever make money out of business if you go into it thinking you can make money out of it, then you've really not thought it through. I can't hear you. There's never a cheap way to feed for it or house them properly. Yeah. You should always want the best for them. You could have them cheaply bred and abused them and never take them to a vet and you could do that, but why would you ever do that? Well, if you're hoping yeah. And it also makes not just morally wrong, but legally wrong as well. True. When you take on any animal, whether you're breeding or as a pet and companion, your responsibility to that animal for its life and wellbeing, welfare is legally your responsibility. I'm just saying because I know you're frozen and then we had some technical difficulties and I got it back on. It has come back on. This is good. Okay, sorry about that. I don't know what happened, but something I was going to say was that there are breeders around here who do it in the most horrible way. It's just like mesh pit, basically, that they put their ferrets in and then they just chuck them in there, they breed whoever they want and never take them to a vet and then they sell them all at six weeks old and it's just horrific. So it's like don't do that. What's my point? Not that you're doing that, I'm just anyone listening? I was paused again. Sorry, it's pause and now I can't hear you. Oh, there we go. It's just that there are still people over here who morally and legally don't understand the responsibility that they have towards the animals and they still see ferrets as being a very throwaway sort of pet that they can pick up for nothing or for a fiver and at the end of the ferreting season. Just get rid and they can always just get some more when they come to come to ferreting again. And there are those who do ferreting who are extremely responsible. Absolutely. The ferrets that they've got and very passionate about the welfare of their ferrets. Yeah, they're working, but they also love yeah, but there are those who keep them as pets, who are just as I think in both worlds, whether it's in the hunting world or the pet world, there are those who genuinely love and care for their animals and those who just undervalue to put it away. Yes was talking about something that I value. I'm extremely interested in the fact that you have angoras and micro ferrets because they're definitely something we do not have here in Australia. We sometimes get dark looking ferrets. They're not all cat looking, but sort of dark and that's not as exotic, but microfers angora, please tell me that is so interesting. The microphone first came about as a friend of mine has got microferrets. A friend of mine has got Microferrets and I went to go and buy a full cat. There's microferrett. Oh my gosh. This is Bandic and as you can see, very little. That's a boy. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I went to his house to pick up a pole cap and that's when I saw my first microbarit in person and I just fell in love. To me, they were like they were ferrets that were the same size as stocks and weasels and that was it. I was absolutely hooked. And I've now got about 22 gosh of the little micro. Oh, my gosh. I'll make photos of that later, but to share with people because it's ridiculous. My husband absolutely adores the microphone, so much so that there is little babies and they all live in the house. He absolutely is terrified of the idea of putting any of them outside. I know lots of people who do keep them outside quite well, but he's terrified of having any of them outside because they're tiny little babies and he prefers to have them in the house where he can see them and they can see him. I like that kind of all in the living room. That's great. Do they play in the house too? Yeah, around the sofa and we've got loads of toys that just randomly about scattered everywhere. They literally just very tires scattered everywhere and tubes and then they go under, they act exactly like other ferrets, just tiny. Yeah, just faster. Oh, gosh, faster. They can move like grease light in the little they're somewhat cheekier, I find, but I think that they develop that cheekiness because they can get away with more because of how adorable acute they are. Probably learned by I think ours become far more manipulative because they know they can very easily get us to do things like especially when you're having your tea and we're having salmon and then they all just sit there and they sit and I swear the batting the eyelids at you and then that's it. Half my tease gone because I've gone round giving them all salmon. Only two portions? Yeah. So have I got it right? The micro ferrets were created by just breeding two small ferrets together until they got really small. Yeah, it's just selective breeding just in the same way as with the angora ferrets or with breeding for color. It's literally down to selective breeding over time and just choosing ferrets that were small but not breeding from rumps and not breeding from ones that had suffered from malnutrition, so therefore had stunted growth, but just naturally smaller, healthy ferrets just in the same way as in Russia. There are some ferrets that are absolutely enormous and are nearly four kilos. You can really see the quite a lot heavier in the face. A lot bulkier looking. A bit more otter like and they have really big. Big standard ferries and that's just because they bred really big ones to really big ones and just continue to breed the big ones with big ones and so therefore created larger and larger and just in the same way with microferrets it was breeding selectively breeding small ferrets with small ferrets and then over time developing that sort of rounder face selectively breeding the ones that have that sort of more teddy burst sort of features to the face so they've got that perpetual sort of kit look they've got that smaller heads and that rounder features too so they're a little bit more quiet you know what I mean? They're definitely that Japanese cute as my eldest son calls of them all the time they're very Japanese cute parrots yeah I can see that and the angoras they're called angoras because they've got the long fur like the angora goats and the angora rabbits so they called it yangor as well okay I don't know do they have to be specially looked after because of heat or anything special for them? No, not particularly so it's frozen again sorry can you say that again? Because it froze sorry they're keeping the bulm areas clean sometimes just with them being long ahead but they don't get matted they don't get that matte softer they are a bit more dorpy yeah definitely more adorpi sort of ferret wow okay and is it true that they've got different nose than other normal friends? Yeah with the angoras they've got a sort of a cleft to the nose like with Toyota he's got like a little bit of a sort of a hairier sort of nose to him he's got like a little tuft of hair on the corner of his nose some of them have got a more prominent sort of cleft to the nose than others there are a lot of breeders now we're trying to breed a more perfect nose to them so that the breeding is better and healthier because some of them can be a little bit sound like the snotty because they've got like hairy noises basically and it's just the way that they sort of sound when they breathe what I definitely find with the angoras that temperament wise they seem somewhat more dopey definitely. Definitely more than normal. My friends are so devious but they're just a bit floppy yeah they just kind of melt and fly on the shoulder there that's terrible okay just stay there yeah and it'll quite athlete just lie there as long as he's having his belly tickled he'll just lie there to just happy as anything more than climb inside your mouth literally he'll try and kiss your tong flaws if you can because he's just so kissy very cute so what were you going to say currently? I've started when they molt I've started collecting up the fur that was going to be a question yup cause my sister she actually breeds angora and negoragor then she breeds them for the fiber which she spins herself and so I've been collecting up all the angora fur so that my sister can spin it for me so I can have a jump and knitted out of the angora for its fur. That would be interesting. It is lovely and soft. Very lovely soft. We have a ferret jumper. Wow. Is that going to be like the first ferret jump in all of the world, do you think? Or others? Well, I know people have done it with dog hair or cat hair and things like that. Yeah, just thought I'd step up to her and have a jumper made. Definitely worth a go. Yeah. This is one of the black ferrets. This is Nolan. Have they been bred with real polkats within the species? Powcat. Not the color polkats? Yeah. Does that make them more solitary or anything? No, it's literally just down to the selected reading. You get some that are sort of more door sales than others and are more like ferrets everywhere. Some are more social than others, and certainly with the hybrids, I've found that they are quite social. I've got a couple of my pure pole cats who are definitely more solitary, but with the jewels, I bring them up from a very young age with ferrets and sort of socialize them, just like you would do with dogs, with puppies, in socializing them with others, that they become more acclimatized to be more social. But the hobs, they're definitely more solitary, especially if they're entire, because quite obviously the more powerful than just your normal ferret. Very strong, powerful jaws we're rescuing as well. Yeah, I've had a few chomps where they've gone through my thumb and they can quite easily set the tendons in your fingers and things like that. But I think once you have a close bond with a pole cat, it's more special than when you have a bond with a ferret, because with a pole cap, the levels of respect that you have to give them for them to even want to interact with you. And so therefore, I think when they do decide that they like you, you genuinely feel very special and you do genuinely feel very chosen in just how special they make you feel when they do choose. You got a couple of pole cats and well, a couple of pole cat males. And one of our males, he was three year old when I got him and I actually went to get two micros and I was offered him as I picked him up to handle him, and just as he was saying, Would you like him? He literally took a great big chomp into my neck. Oh, my gosh. And he solidly had hold of me by the side of his throat and I was instantly in love with him, scare of people things. I was gently prying him off my neck while going, I love him, he's amazing. And that was it. I brought him home and when I developed the bond that I've got with him, bruce is just my baby, he really is. When he rolled over and let me tickle his tormaid for. The first time I cried, I felt so accepted that he gone, then you can tickle me belly. And I felt so privileged that he let me tickle his belly. Whereas with a ferret, you can turn them over and tickle them on the belly and they're just like, oh, that's brilliant. But with a pole cap, they have to invite you to do it. I think the difference between a pure pole cat and a ferret is the same difference as you would have between a wolf and a dog. Yeah, well, that's basically what they are, the comparison, isn't it? Yes. And the hybrids are exactly the same in the wolf hybrid and the pole cat hybrid. They can be more polkat or they can be more ferret, just depending on what side they've thrown to. So I was just having to rescue my dog from one of the ferrets and he was about to have one jump on his head. What's it like having 84 ferrets? Is it chaos or do you have a routine? Yeah, I genuinely say it was organized chaos. We have a routine where feeding and cleaning and everything else is concerned. But ferrets themselves, they are organized chaos. They will always get up to as much mischief as they possibly can and get into as much things as they shouldn't do trash things. Every day every day is a different day, but the same it's the same chaos and the same acceptance of chaos in an organized way. So I can see that you've got some cages inside, but where do most of them live? What's that like? We've got a large ferritory outside for people who don't know what is a ferretory ferritory or a ferret court is basically just we've got a large sort of Avery type enclosure which has got the separate hooks accommodations on either side and then the large enclosure area all under roof. Basically. Where they've got all the pipes and toys and everything all in the middle so that we can open up porches and let out groups of ferrets. So they can all basically run right up and have the big play times with the pipes and toys and everything like that in a safe way where they sort of contained. Yeah, that's important. Ferrets are amazing escape artists, and if they can find a hall or any way of getting out somewhere and generally causing mischief, they will. Absolutely. It's pretty much guaranteed that if you don't keep an eye on them, they will find some way of creating as much mischief off on inferred language as they possibly can. Yeah, I can't imagine. I've got three. The amount of mischief mine get up to, I can't imagine it with 84. It's amazing though, I guess they are contained in an Avery, so that's good. How big is the Avery? Like the play area? Oh, gosh. Hang on. Centimeters or inches? Let me think. It doesn't matter. 15ft x 20ft. That's really good. But I'm currently waiting to get my 15ft five foot cattery back off my youngest son. He's currently got currently got his two pigeons and his bantam hens in my catering and I'm waiting for him to move those into my kennel block so that I can have the catering for the ferrets. Right, so we have two then, or we have castrated males and retired females that we went into the big category building as a gel group. So a group that I can get living together, that are happy together. That's it. But play time. They're all starting to wake up now. Midnight play time. That sounds like a really useful thing. Is it under cover or do they have natural? Yeah, it's all under cover. So that if it's chucking it down or if it's pouring the rain or snowing, then it doesn't mean that they can't come out because it's all sheltered and everything. So that I can sit out there as well. Yeah. Being in Manchester, it's well known for the amount of rain that we get, even I know that we need it to be undercover so that I can spend as much time out there without the weather impeding me, so that I can sit out there with them without weather restrictions. It does really sound perfect. So I was going to ask one last question. So what's your best advice you could give to other federal owners, parents, ferry owner? Do as much research as you possibly can. Visit if you can visit a few rescues so that you can actually genuinely get to see what adult ferrets, behavior wise, I like, but also to be able to see if a lot of people, they'll get ferrets without doing not just the research, but without actually meeting groups of ferrets for any more than meeting someone taking one for a lot. Yeah, and if they get a ferret and then within a week, it's like they can't go with the smell. But to me, it's no different than having a cat with a litch tray. If you don't clean a litch tray out, a litter tray itself will smell. Male ferrets do come into mosque in the spring and some people, myself included, love the smell of an inseason hobb when they're in rot. But then again, I love the smell of horses and I love the smell of cows. Some people really don't like the smell of cows, it's each their own. But you can have male for its castrated or with the implant, and that vastly reduces that sort of natural musky order. And same with female ferrets. You can have them implanted or you can have them spread, but make sure you meet properly meet and go to rescues or go to Breeders houses and genuinely see the furrets in that environment rather than away from home, where you won't be seeing the actual sort of living conditions that buriates create for themselves, shall we say. You can have a little bit for them and some can be fabulous and be amazingly litered, and others will sleep in the literary and poo everywhere else, or sleep in a poo literary. Some of them mainly boys that do that, but they're as vastly different as children. But I can guarantee that nearly all of them have got ADHD. Probably. Yeah. I would say more than anything is definitely don't just go by what one breeder or one owner says about ferrets. Meet as many as you can, speak to as many breeders and keepers as you can and try and get as much information and it will never be enough. True. Yeah. Ten years I was still learning. And you're still learning too. Yeah. For me, from my point of view, I genuinely find them the most fascinating, enthralling, amazing creatures that can show you so much love and be so insanely manic all at the same time. And they keep you on your toes. They do. If they're not nipping them, just keeping on them. By Pamela. Thank you very much. Yeah, thank you for that. Interesting. You are welcome. Bye bye. Thank you, Laura, for joining me. Apologies for those few technical difficulties we had. I don't know what was happening with the internet, but we finished our conversation, so that's nice. So here are some useful lessons from Laura. Micra and angora and giant ferrets exist. Breeders have to be responsible. It takes a lot of work and money. You can both love your ferrets and work with them. Farrats help your mental health. Farrets are predators. It is important that your partner also likes your pet. Having 84 ferrets is organized chaos. Laura's advice is to do as much research as you possibly can before you get your first ferrets. And that's where I come in. I'm doing some group training for brand new ferret owners and you will find out more information if you message me on Facebook or on Instagram or you send me an email at [email protected].

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