Latest Episodes

Baby Ferret With One Eye and Ferret and Life Update
What a title. Welcome to Ferret Paradigm! From now on all episodes will be new and will be branded with Ferret Paradigm instead of...

Nova Asks Me About Ferrets
I answer the questions about ferrets from an 11 year old animal lover, Nova. We discuss insulinoma, caging, food, biting, grieving and more! Fauna...

Musky The Ferret Is Honoured Part 2
This is the interview with Musky's Daddy, Matty, part 2. We discuss Musky's honour, Stubby's book, animal cruelty in society and in the beauty...

Musky The Ferret is Honoured
I speak again with the delightful Matty, the author of My Name is Musky, A Ferret's Story. Musky has been honoured by the state...

Ferret Hygiene Part 2
Part 2 of the episode about ferret hygiene. Learn about fur shedding, bathing/showering, perfumes, ear cleaning, ear mites and more. Come on over to...

Ferret Hygiene Part 1
Do you want to know about ferret hygiene? In this 2 part episode I will cover the basics from tail to head from Rat...